Lammermuir Church is the parish church in the villages of Humbie, Gifford, Bolton, East and West Saltoun, Morham and Garvald, and their surrounding area in the heart of the beautiful East Lothian countryside, between the open moors of the Lammermuir Hills and the Forth estuary with its sandy beaches and lovely harbours.
We seek to be a church where people of all generations within the community experience and celebrate the love of God.
Find out more about us, our worship, and about some of the things we do. Read our news and about the history of our parish.
We are also on facebook, instagram and youtube.
- a friendly and supportive community of people of different ages, backgrounds and outlooks
- inclusive Sunday services, where we sing and pray together, read Bible passages and apply them to our own lives and our place in the world
- pastoral and spiritual support
- an environment where everyone is welcome to be involved in the shaping of our church life
- opportunities to meet at coffee mornings, knitting groups, choir and study groups
- Sunday Club and Messy Church for children and their grown-ups
- family services like weddings, baptisms and funerals for people in our parish and beyond
- Forest Church and other seasonal events
- support for East Lothian Foodbank and other charities
What's on during the weekOur Coffee Mornings take place on the second Wednesday (in Yester Church, Gifford) and on the fourth Tuesday (in the Session Rooms in East Saltoun) each month, from 10.30am-12noon. Please join us!
The Choir meets on Wednesdays at 3pm at Bolton Church.
The Gifford Knitting Group meets on Thursdays afternoons in Yester Church, and the KnotKnits Knitting Group meets on Thursday evenings in the Session Rooms in East Saltoun.
We also have a Worship Team, a Social Planning Group, a Children's Team and the Kirk Session with a Property Group and Finance Committee.