With autumn upon us, it is nearly time to start thinking about (whisper it!) Advent and Christmas. Again this year, we are supporting the Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal. You will have an opportunity to fill a shoebox with presents for a person in need, and bring it to one of our churches by 27 October (either on a Sunday morning, or by arrangement - contact us to find a suitable time). You can download a checklist with suggestions for items to include here. Every donation is hugely appreciated.
At Messy Church yesterday, we had visitors from Fostering Compassion, who told us about their work with foster animals and children in care. You can find out more about their work here. We made up boxes full of treats, toys and useful items such as blankets as presents for dogs who are yet awaiting their forever home. Daisy and Toby, who both are therapy dogs, joined us, and the kids really enjoyed the cuddles with them. We also made memory jars, to put some favourite memories in (and which we can add to as we go along) - which we can then help to encourage and cheer us when we are feeling sad or downhearted. From closer to home, Faegan the pony, Sparky the budgie and Worcester the dog joined us, and we enjoyed getting to know them. We were also grateful to Kelly and James, two vets who live in our parish (and incidentally mum and dad to three of the kids), for telling us a bit more about how we can show compassion to animals. We thought about what compassion means, and how we are asked by God to be responsible for creation - looking after each other, after the needs of animals, and taking care of the world. You can read more about what we discussed here. We then all sang 'All things bright and beautiful', before gathering around the dinner table for sausages, beans and mash, followed by strawberry jelly. Thank you to all who came along, and to all helpers - and especially to all the volunteers from Fostering Compassion! To shorten the wait until the next Messy Church, we'll have all age services in Humbie Church on Sunday, 6 October, 9.30am (followed by coffees and teas) and in Yester Church on Sunday, 27 October, 11am (with coffees and teas beforehand).