At our Messy Church in Gifford Village Hall yesterday, we explored the story of the Good Samaritan. We decorated boxes in which we put notes with acts of kindness, to remind us of the kind things we can do every day, we also learned to sew felt pouches with little emergency help items - tissues, plasters, torches, snacks, we decorated biscuits shaped like people who all had different colours but tasted just the same - to remind us that even if we look different, inside we're all the same, and we had a look at a map of the world to think about the areas who need an extra hand of help and support. We also had a table where we could test how brave we were, by putting our hands into boxes without knowing what was inside - and which gave us lots of shrieks - because sometimes, in order to help someone, we need to be brave. While the bigger kids did all these activities, the smaller ones had fun in the baby and toddler corner. We then listened to the story of the Good Samaritan, learned a new song, and then shared lasagne and fruit. Here are some photos of the afternoon.
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